Monday, August 26, 2013

Surgery and Post-Op

July was quite an eventful month for David and me.  I was working full-time and it was taking up most of my weekdays, on into the evenings.  On July 26, I went to see Dr. Deorio at TOC, since I had still been struggling with pain and weakness in my foot.  He was highly recommended and I had heard nothing except great reviews about him.

X-rays were first, then Dr. Deorio came into the room to discuss what had happened since that surgery back in April 2011.  He proceeded to inform me the hardware originally inserted had broken, most likely within 6 months of the surgery and that was where most of the pain stemmed from.  I was in utter shock! I could not believe that Dr. Haller (who performed the first surgery) or anyone else for that matter failed to schedule any type of check-up to see that everything was still in working order.

Dr. Deorio suggested removing the hardware and fusing a bone wedge from a cadaver to my calcaneus, which would lift my foot back into the position it is supposed to be in.  It took me a few minutes to comprehend what I was being told.  As many of you know, I struggled with an open wound/wound care for 6 straight months with the first surgery.  I promised myself I would NEVER allow any more surgeries, unless it was life or death.  I asked him if I elected to not have the surgery, what would the consequences be and Dr. Deorio informed me that I would most likely be in a wheelchair by the time I was 45 or so.  He explained how the surgery would benefit me, besides the obvious advantages.  I will be able to run again! That was probably the best news I could've ever heard, in regards to my foot.  My one concern was the wound care could once again be a major issue, however, he Dr. Deorio assured me otherwise.  I finally decided that Dr. Haller just doesn't have the experience that Dr. Deorio does, since his specialty is feet.  He told me that by the post-op appointment, it would be healing nicely.

I elected for the surgery and scheduled it within 2 weeks of that appointment, since David's active duty orders end in September and we will no longer have Tricare Prime.  That is the best plan Tricare offers, but only for active duty military members.  I knew that most of the procedure would be paid for and we wouldn't have these huge, outstanding medical bills.

After my appointment, I called Mom and told her about what I was told and she told me I MUST have the surgery.  Once I returned to work, I had to inform my boss of the news.  That afternoon, I was fired as a result of having to schedule a surgery.  I am still waiting on my unemployment from them...

Well, surgery day came and went and David has done a great job taking care of me.  He even carries me up and down the stairs everyday! I have my post-op appointment on Friday and hopefully, will no longer have to sit around with my foot propped up. 

I also began school last week, amongst all of this madness, I am graduating in December, thank the Good Lord!!! It's going to be tough, but luckily, I only have one class on campus.  That makes this much easier.  I have been ordered stay off my feet for 10 weeks and I am only at the 2 1/2 week mark.  I am ready to be finished and begin walking and running!!!

Below are two pictures, one of my foot after the initial surgery and the other is from the visit I had at TOC.  The difference in how the hardware appears is quite noticeable.

Thank you for all of the prayers so far, I ask for continued prayers, as I continue down this road of recovery.  :)

Summer 2013

Well, it has been a few months since I last blogged and since I am stuck at home, with my foot popped up, I figured now is as good a time as any.

The wedding was wonderful, even though it poured down rain and was a whopping 50 degrees! It was at Lake Guntersville State Park and we were still able to have it outside, since the lower terrace is partially covered.  The ceremony was a quick 10 - 15 minutes, but very memorable for David and me.  I am very thankful and blessed to have such an amazing family and friends that were willing to help with everything and try their best to be upbeat, despite the weather. 

Aaron Johnson was sweet enough to drive all the way from Atlanta just for the wedding, in the pouring down rain.  I will always be thankful for him and hope one day, I can repay his kindness.  My Uncle Scotty played the music, of course and some of David's friends and co-workers were sweet enough to participate in the traditional military segment of the ceremony.   Thank you to everyone that braved the rain and came out to share with us in our special day. :)

The reception was also memorable in that we danced, we visited, and David and I played the newlyweds game that my cousin, Andrew hosted.  We had the best time and all of our guests seemed to enjoy it as well.

After the reception, we headed to Lake Martin for the night.  David braved the rain and drove for us, of course.  The next day, it was still raining, but once we made it to Florida, it was clear and beautiful.  Disney World was great, but I wish I would've put a little more planning into the honeymoon.  Don't get me wrong, I loved it, we just weren't alone very much.

After the honeymoon, my parents reserved a house in Carillon Beach, close to Panama City Beach, FL.  The whole family went on the trip and we had a great time! I am always the single one, sleeping in the kids' room with the nieces.  It was nice to finally have my husband there to enjoy and spend time with my family. 

David and I had a great summer, even though I was working full-time at chiropractor's office.  So far, it has been the best summer of my life! :) Married life is better than I ever imagined!!

I will post pictures another time of events over the last few months.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Well, as most of you know by now, The Captain's company has been off-ramped because of sequestration.  It was an absolute shock for everyone.  It happened around 2 or 3 weeks ago, but I honestly have been busy with finals and wedding stuff that I have not had the chance to blog about it. 

This is terribly disappointing and David has been struggling with this ever since he was notified.  I was with Emily and the girls at the McWane Center in Birmingham and he called me to tell me the news.  Honestly, my first thought was, "Oh no, this is not good for David or his unit."  I felt disappointment and was at a loss for words.  I asked him what his thoughts were and he seemed relieved, but I knew reality would set in.

All National Guard Units that were deploying in the future were off-ramped.  The sequestration has affected everything and it's not over yet! I honestly cannot imagine how these men and women that were dependent on this deployment are feeling now.  It breaks my heart for the ones that are not employed anywhere full-time.  I can speak from experience that I know it's difficult to get a job... it took me almost 8 months.  I know there are numerous people that have been struggling for more than a year or two, I was definitely blessed.  Well, I'm getting off-topic....

These deployments have all been handed over to the active duty army soldiers.  I am happy for them, but I can't help feeling envious about these units for Dave.  He is a little down in the dumps about it... His dad was in Vietnam and his grandad was in WWII.  David wanted to continue the "legacy", but I told him his time will come.  I have been telling him it happened so he will get that dream job he has always wanted. 

Who knows, we may have to deal with Chechnya or North Korea... scary thoughts.

Anyway, I am dragging on...  I apologize.

I am thankful that The Captain will not be leaving me for nearly a year, but I understand he wanted this and it would've been a "feather in his hat". 

Please keep him in your prayers... He will find his peace, it just may take awhile.

Thank you for reading my random thoughts!! :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Reality is setting in....

Well, today marks exactly 52 days to go with the wedding! I am beginning to get antsy and slightly nervous.  Let me clarify that the nervousness is not because of the marriage, but because of the event itself.  The Captain is edgy... I know most of it has to do with him getting deployed later this year, but I think some of it is the wedding as well.  He doesn't want to admit it, but I know better! ;)

This deployment has become a harsh reality for me already.  Training has began for The Captain and his unit and he travels quite frequently now.  I am doing my best to make the most of the time he's here so when he leaves, I will not regret that. 

The wedding plans are pretty much finished, except ordering flowers.  We are going to make all of the arrangements ourselves and have most of the flowers picked out.  My fear is they don't turn out the way I want them to...

I apologize for rambling.  This whole situation has me frazzled!

I will be going to Fort McClellan next weekend to help with the unit's FRG.  I am on the board, I guess that means I'm "official". :)

The sequestration has everyone up in arms! I am not sure how they think cutting certain things from the military is going to help if  they are not fully trained when deployment time comes.  Sometimes I think I could do a better job with figuring out a way to budget all of this money.  It blows my mind how "some people" are entitled to large amounts of money, but when it comes time for the individuals that take care and protect this country, everything has to be cut! Forget cutting some of their salaries, let the nation suffer! I never can recall in my life something this terrible happening within our country. 

Ok, I'm off my soapbox now.  I know I am all over the place with this blog... It's the ADHD, I haven't taken my med today!! LOL

Anyway, for those of you that know the situation, please keep us in mind when it comes time for prayers.  And for those that don't know, it's apparent that he's deploying and not too long after the wedding. 

Thank you for reading my crazy thoughts... I promise, the next one won't be so random.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


I haven't blogged in awhile, but y'all know how the holidays are...

This year was a fantastic Christmas and probably the best one I have ever been a part of.  It will definitely remain the most memorable.

The Captain and I had to figure out arrangements for Christmas and decided we would have Christmas Eve with my family, and do Christmas Day at his dad's house in Homewood.  Dave kept saying "This is going to be the last Bacon Christmas".

Apparently, he had talked with Mom, Daddy, Emily and Matt and they agreed the engagement would be the best if executed on Christmas Eve, with everyone there.  Well, we were getting ready to head to Guntersville that day and Dave had been edgy for most of it.  I had asked him a couple times what was wrong and I repeatedly got the same answer.  "Nothing is wrong, I'm fine."

After we got to Mom and Daddy's and talked for awhile, Mom told Emily to go pick up ice and she insisted I go with her.  While we were gone, The Captain talked to my parents and made sure he had their blessing to marry me.

We get back, eat, and begin to open gifts.  We had the best time with the girls!

Dave gave me a few gifts at the house and everyone was happy with what they received.  After that, David asked me to point out my favorite ornament on the tree.  After the wreck in 2002, when I was hanging on by a thread, Mom bought some butterflies to go on the tree.  They signified the miracle of me surviving and ending up almost normal. ;-)

I started looking on the tree for them, but only found one.  Well, Emily jumps in and starts to point others out.  David had placed the ring on one of the butterflies and I could not believe it when I saw it.  I immediately began tearing up... I even up the ring on my finger before he asked!!! :)
Then he of course, popped the question.  Obviously, I said yes and am thrilled! I cannot wait to marry this wonderful man that I have been so blessed to find.

Everyone in my family approves! David had told his sister he was proposing on Christmas Eve so when we left my parents' house, we celebrated in Homewood with champagne.  They were just as happy!

We have set the date, booked the venue, picked the flowers, ordered my  dress, picked out invitations (which I am ordering next week), and booked the honeymoon!
The wedding will take place on May 5th at the Lake Guntersville State Park.  The Captain will wear his uniform and we are HOPING to have some of the National Guard guys to come and hold the sabers to walk through. :)

Here is a link to the proposal!

And here's the ring:  1.01 ct Assher Cut (center stone), 1.35 total ct wt. VVS2 Clarity and F Color