Sunday, September 13, 2015

Boots on the Ground

As many of you know, David has been mobilized and gone from home for quite some time.  Typically, with The Guard units must go to a mobilization station for final prep before heading in country.  Well, that has begun.

Yesterday morning, I received a text from The Captain containing a picture of him in uniform, at sunrise.  It's terribly ironic that his first day with "Boots on the Ground" was 9/11/2015.  It was such a proud moment for David.  I know he's been preparing himself, his troops, and myself for this for almost 2 years. 

In the days to come, our troops will disperse to the various countries throughout that part of the world.  As I'm sure you are aware, some of these regions are not nearly as risky as others.  Nonetheless, I ask you to keep all of these soldiers in the company and battalion in your prayers.  Also, please remember all the other soldiers over there that may be wrapping up their tours.  I also ask you to remember to pray for all of the spouses and families that are missing the soldiers.  For some, it's more difficult since they do not have children and their houses continue to be much to quiet. 

I will update here hopefully, once a week.  I thank you to those for your support, y'all make this much easier to handle!

Love to all :)

Saturday, September 12, 2015

4-Day Pass

The Captain and I had a wonderful time in Texas for his pass.  As many of you saw from a few pictures I posted, we tried to maximize our time together and create as many  memories as possible.  I believe this time we spent together will make this transition much easier to deal with.

I am not sure I had ever been so happy to see David after they were released for pass! I will never be able to accurately describe the overwhelming feelings I experienced as I watched him walking towards me.  The best part was knowing I had FOUR UNINTERRUPTED days with him!!

The first night, we stayed on-post at Fort Hood the first night.  I let him choose dinner and he asked for Olive Garden so he could, "feel as much as home as possible." It was a wonderful evening. :)

The following morning, we had a pre-deployment photo session.  Then, we traveled to Austin and stopped en route at Salt Lick BBQ, which someone had suggested to us.  That is some of the BEST I have ever had!! If you're ever in that area, you must stop and try their food.  As far as the city, it's beautiful and they have a nice lake area.  However, it's a strange place that doesn't really belong in Texas.  Maybe the reason is we were in the middle of Gay Pride? And absolutely nothing against that, if you want to have a celebration, that's great! However, I don't want to be verbally attacked for walking with MY husband and holding his hand.  I digress...

The original Stubbs Restaurant!

After an interesting night in Austin, we then traveled to San Antonio for the next 2 nights.  The Riverwalk is beautiful, the city is amazing.  The history alone kept The Captain and I both intrigued.  I could move there and be perfectly happy! We walked around, took pictures, saw the Tower of Americas, The Alamo, and numerous historic buildings.  On the last night, we met up with the commander of the battalion with his wife and friends.  It was nice to see David relax and enjoy his time.  I enjoyed meeting them, especially since I don't know anyone else in the battalion.

David loves to take pictures of me taking pictures!

Tower of Americas!
Tower of Americas
The Riverwalk
The Alamo!
It was tough to take him back the next evening, but I know that's just part of it.  I am not sure if I will ever be used to watching him walk away from me. 

I continue to ask you for prayers...

Love to all!