Monday, December 8, 2014

My return to blogging

Too much time has passed since my last entry.  In that time, quite a few events have taken place.  I have had a couple jobs that didn't quite suit me and have since decided to be the "house-wife".  I enjoy it, but I do love to work in my field.  Oh well, I'm considering going back to school for a Dietician degree.

Back to the topic at hand - I did a play over the summer and it was my first in about 12 years.  It was enjoyable and a reminder how much I love acting.  There may be more in my future since I will have a great deal of "me" time. 

So my most important announcement and biggest event is yet to come - The Captain and his company are back on for deployment.  There, I said it... I am still getting used to it.  We have known about for several months, but the shock is still taking its toll.  This deployment will be 364 days with 9 months boots-on-the-ground.  It is becoming more and more real.  It has already gone on much longer than the last one.  This is real and it is a constant struggle when I think about the length of time.  I realize during the surge soldiers were gone for 15 months, but it doesn't make this any easier.

I will be fine, I am aware.  As I said, I will have a great deal of time on my hands.  I have definitely decided to put that time to good use with learning to play the guitar and hopefully mastering it a bit.  As I mentioned earlier, I am thinking about getting a second degree and I am seriously considering it.  I thought about selling the house to get something smaller while he is gone and get something new and improved when he returns.  Unfortunately, I understand this house may not sell by the time they are headed out.

I am obviously going to be even more active at my church here in town and possible my home church in Guntersville.  I am sure I'll be spending more time at home, but I am ready to make plans to see my friend, Meridith in Seattle, a friend in Miami, and maybe one or two other places.

I have been promised by The Captain that he will take me to St. Maarten before he leaves.  I requested that since it is out of the country and it's nice and quiet.  We are considering a cruise after he gets back. 
I already have my passport and am very excited about this! Please, any of you that have been, give me advice about the island.

I must say that after more than a year since my last surgery, I have absolutely no more pain in my foot and I am amazed! I am even running again some. :)
Thank you to everyone that has prayed over this horrible injury that has been bothersome since 2011.  Y'all are the best and God is so good all the time.

Oh yeah, the Iron Bowl happened! ;)  RTR

In more recent events, I lost my grandmother last week and am still coming to terms with this.  She had been at Barfield since November 2005 and had battled with Alzheimer's since around 2002.  It was her time to go, but that made it no easier on the family.  Grandma's funeral was this past Thursday and I must say it was the best funeral I've ever been to - if that's possible.  We sang songs that I remembered singing as a child in church with her and other family members.  It was a sweet remembrance of her life. 

I suppose I will stop here, I am sure this will become a more frequent thing for me as I begin to have more and more time to reflect.

Love to all!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring is here!


Obviously, much time has passed since I last wrote a blog.  Y'all know how it goes... life happens!

Speaking of happenings, there are a great number of things that have occurred in the past 8 months!

In October, I finally began to walk again and my foot is 100% better than before.  I cannot believe the difference since this second surgery.  I will always brag on Dr. Deorio.

After a grueling fall semester, that included finals, an exit exam, a tough senior research project, and my fun acting class, I graduated!! I finally did it and I was so very proud of myself.  :)
As many of you know, my degree was a long time coming.

After having a successful Christmas Party at the unit, a nice Christmas and a memorable visit to New Orleans, I landed a job at Curves in early January.  I loved that job and I was utilizing my knowledge of fitness and nutrition.  I learned a good bit from that job, but unfortunately, a better offer came along and I could not pass it up.  Last Monday, I began my new journey with The Eye Center as an Ophthalmic Technician.  I have experience in that field and thoroughly enjoy the work! Best of all, I go in at 7:30 and am off work by 4:30.  The company treats their employees very well and has much room for growth and raises.

Now to The Captain's side.... as most of you know, he is still in command at his unit.  Well, he went back to reserve status and back to the civilian job he had before his active duty time.  Needless to say, it has been quite a transition that we are still getting used to.  The Captain's command was supposed to end in June, but I received some interesting news a couple months ago.
The Captain found out his unit was back on deploy and was asked if he wanted to go.  His initial response was, "No." After much consideration and discussions with some of his fellow officers, he requested to his commanding officer to stay on and take these guys through this deployment.  They are not scheduled to leave until next year and really, his command should be up in June.  The Captain's commander took awhile, but finally informed David that he would allow him to command his unit through this deployment.

We are still over a year out.. Who knows what could happen? I hope and pray this crap doesn't happen again and that they actually get to go.  However, I know how things go with the government and the Army.  I don't know if these soldiers can handle another cancellation.  I personally do not want him to go, but I know it's great for his career.

I am still an officer for the Family Readiness Group and we are now planning things for this deployment and beginning to get prepared... it's going to be tough, from what I have heard.  

I ask for prayers... this is going to be another rough time.  A year is a long time to be away from a spouse.  I know I will be fine and there are plenty of people that have done it and for longer lengths of time, but it's still tough, no matter who you are.