Sunday, April 28, 2013


Well, as most of you know by now, The Captain's company has been off-ramped because of sequestration.  It was an absolute shock for everyone.  It happened around 2 or 3 weeks ago, but I honestly have been busy with finals and wedding stuff that I have not had the chance to blog about it. 

This is terribly disappointing and David has been struggling with this ever since he was notified.  I was with Emily and the girls at the McWane Center in Birmingham and he called me to tell me the news.  Honestly, my first thought was, "Oh no, this is not good for David or his unit."  I felt disappointment and was at a loss for words.  I asked him what his thoughts were and he seemed relieved, but I knew reality would set in.

All National Guard Units that were deploying in the future were off-ramped.  The sequestration has affected everything and it's not over yet! I honestly cannot imagine how these men and women that were dependent on this deployment are feeling now.  It breaks my heart for the ones that are not employed anywhere full-time.  I can speak from experience that I know it's difficult to get a job... it took me almost 8 months.  I know there are numerous people that have been struggling for more than a year or two, I was definitely blessed.  Well, I'm getting off-topic....

These deployments have all been handed over to the active duty army soldiers.  I am happy for them, but I can't help feeling envious about these units for Dave.  He is a little down in the dumps about it... His dad was in Vietnam and his grandad was in WWII.  David wanted to continue the "legacy", but I told him his time will come.  I have been telling him it happened so he will get that dream job he has always wanted. 

Who knows, we may have to deal with Chechnya or North Korea... scary thoughts.

Anyway, I am dragging on...  I apologize.

I am thankful that The Captain will not be leaving me for nearly a year, but I understand he wanted this and it would've been a "feather in his hat". 

Please keep him in your prayers... He will find his peace, it just may take awhile.

Thank you for reading my random thoughts!! :)