Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Reality is setting in....

Well, today marks exactly 52 days to go with the wedding! I am beginning to get antsy and slightly nervous.  Let me clarify that the nervousness is not because of the marriage, but because of the event itself.  The Captain is edgy... I know most of it has to do with him getting deployed later this year, but I think some of it is the wedding as well.  He doesn't want to admit it, but I know better! ;)

This deployment has become a harsh reality for me already.  Training has began for The Captain and his unit and he travels quite frequently now.  I am doing my best to make the most of the time he's here so when he leaves, I will not regret that. 

The wedding plans are pretty much finished, except ordering flowers.  We are going to make all of the arrangements ourselves and have most of the flowers picked out.  My fear is they don't turn out the way I want them to...

I apologize for rambling.  This whole situation has me frazzled!

I will be going to Fort McClellan next weekend to help with the unit's FRG.  I am on the board, I guess that means I'm "official". :)

The sequestration has everyone up in arms! I am not sure how they think cutting certain things from the military is going to help if  they are not fully trained when deployment time comes.  Sometimes I think I could do a better job with figuring out a way to budget all of this money.  It blows my mind how "some people" are entitled to large amounts of money, but when it comes time for the individuals that take care and protect this country, everything has to be cut! Forget cutting some of their salaries, let the nation suffer! I never can recall in my life something this terrible happening within our country. 

Ok, I'm off my soapbox now.  I know I am all over the place with this blog... It's the ADHD, I haven't taken my med today!! LOL

Anyway, for those of you that know the situation, please keep us in mind when it comes time for prayers.  And for those that don't know, it's apparent that he's deploying and not too long after the wedding. 

Thank you for reading my crazy thoughts... I promise, the next one won't be so random.